
Deploy Watchdog in Gitlab instance.

Usage server-side

Watchdog can be configured only in the server side of the Git repository (For the moment a bare repository), it is compatible with different Git solutions like Gitea, Gogs, Gitlab.

In our case we will focus on installing Watchdog on the Gitlab platform. See instructions.

We have the possibility to install the tool in different levels of Gitlab

  • Global
  • By group
  • By project

For a global deployment, you must create one of the pre-receive.d, post-receive.d or update.d folders in the /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/hooks directory and add a script that will launch note CLI

HOOKS=("pre-receive" "post-receive" "update")
HOOK_TYPE=$(cd $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo ${PWD##*/})
while read -r OLDREV NEWREV REFNAME; do
  /usr/local/bin/watchdog analyze \
    --docs-link="" \
    --hook-type="pre-receive" \
    --hook-input="$OLDREV $NEWREV $REFNAME" \
    --logs-path="watchdog.log" \
    --logs-level="info" \
  if [ $status -eq 1 ]; then
    exit 1


Option Description
--docs-link Allows you to define the link to the Custom Hooks documentation
--hook-input This data is automatically filled in upon receipt of a Git git push package
--hook-type Allows you to specify to the watchdog CLI the type of hooks it has just received to pass it to the different managers. By default pre-receive
--logs-path Allows you to define the path for writing logs. By default it is /var/log/watchdog/watchdog.log
--logs-level Allows to define the level of logs to write, can take one of the following values: debug, error, fatal, info, panic, trace and warning. By default it is info
--verbose Allows you to view more information about running Custom Hooks in the Developer Console. Default true
--help, -h Show help/usage
--version, -v Print version

The WATCHDOG_* environment variables are used to pass the adjustment parameters of certain services