

Usage client-side

On the developer side, to invoke customs hooks, the user must add a configuration file under the name of .githooks.yml or .githook.yaml in the root of the project.

$ ll /workspaces/project-name
  |__ docs/
  |__ src/
  |__ tests/
  |__ .gitignore
  |__ .githooks.yml


In this file the developer or rather the maintainer of the project will define the different rules that will be executed in the remote Git repository. The following table describes the schema and the different attributes of the file.

Attribut Description Default Optional Type
version Version of the .githooks file, the tool will allow you to accept different versions of the diagram String
hooks[] Liste des hooks à déclencher String Nom du hook String
hook.type Git hook type, it can have one of the values pre-receive, update, post-receive. See Customizing Git - Git Hooks pre-receive String
hook.rejection_message Global rejection message Yes String
hook.rules[] List of custom hook rules String
hook.rule.type Type of the rule to be triggered, it can have one of the following values branch, commit, file, jira, security. See Handlers String
hook.rule.disabled This attribute enables or disables the rule true Yes String
hook.rule.conditions[] List of conditions that will trigger the rule. They are specific to each rule String
hook.rule.condition.type Type of condition, the value of this attribute may vary from one rule to another String
hook.rule.condition.pattern It is a regular expression that describes the condition to be satisfied. See Syntaxe String
hook.rule.condition.rejection_message Rule-specific rejection message. By default all customs hooks offer rejection messages. See Acceptance and rejection messages Yes String
hook.rule.condition.ignore This option allows you to ignore not to block the push even if the rule is not satisfied false Yes String
hook.rule.condition.skip A regular expression that allows the rule to be ignored if it is satisfied. See Syntaxe. Useful in the case of automatic commits generated during Merge Requests Yes String